Analytica Risk and Investment Advisory

Serving Qualifying Investors



Analytica ehf. provides independent and value added financial advisory services. The company specializes in treasury and risk management services provided to qualifying investors. The company's position is based on decades of experience and expertise in foreign exchange, risk management, currency debt management and currency overlays and various other financial advisory services. The company was established in 1993. Most of that time the operations were aligned with the operations of Economic Consulting & Forecasting Ltd.

Analytica provides services in the following areas:

The name Analytica refers to the methods employed to provide services to our clients. The advisory services are backed by analysis based on special expertise and experience while keeping in mind the long term interests of clients. The term Analytica originates in Greek and  refers to the process behind inference.

Our latest news release on the Iceland Composite Leading Indicator can be found here .

Analytica © 2010, Síðumúla 14, 108 Reykjavík, sími: 5278800 / 5684999, Fax: 5684998, kt. 630793-2389